Time Well Spent

For over a year, I’ve been working with a church in Pennsylvania to develop icons to represent the different aspects of their worship and work. Distilling the vision of an entire congregation into a set of simple symbols proved no easy task, and we went through many rounds of revisions. These four are my personal favorites.

My hope is that the new icons will be accessible, flexible and stand the test of time — but moreover, I hope that by going through this process, the leaders of the church have found a common language for some of the intangible aspects of ministry that are often difficult to put into words.

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An Incomplete Manifesto

Since my days as a student, Bruce Mau has been a consistent force for massive change in both my work and lifestyle. In an effort to further contemplate and celebrate his Incomplete Manifesto for Growth, I’ve decided to create a series of desktop wallpaper. The first is included below: Allow events to change you. Enjoy!

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The Way of the Zeppelin

A decade from now, all these shifts, rifts, and tiffs we’re having over emerging media and devices will seem as silly as putting out fresh hay for your Ford Model A.

I suspect that many of us are applying old thinking to new problems and, in the process, making accommodations for a transitional, and ultimately obsolete, vehicle.

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