
tweeterWriting about Twitter has been quite fashionable recently and questions surrounding its rightful place in the social media pyramid and its viability as a money-maker have certainly been the blog du jour. I’ve read pieces about everything from the inherent narcissism of micro-blogging to the productivity-sapping potential of tweeting on the job. All of that may or may not be true, but to me Twitter appears to be a step in the right direction.

Full Circle

At the turn of the last century, different questions were on the minds of early-early-adopters surrounding the great communication innovation of their day: the telegraph. For the first time, short bursts of specific information could be transmitted over great distances. Prior to this technological breakthrough, news and information could travel only as fast and far as a horse or train could carry it. Suddenly and wonderfully, it was possible to speak to the world in an instant.

Needless to say, people were hooked and the pursuit of new modes for global communication pretty much exploded. The sharing of ideas and information, plus the thrill of staying on the cusp of new developments, is the engine that drove the media revolution from telegraph to telephone, radio to television, to email, web forums, chat, blogs, online gaming, etc.

The telegraph has slowly gone the way of the dodo. Western Union finally discontinued all of its telegram services at the end of January 2006 — ironically, only a month or so before the launch of a new kind of tiny revolution called Twitter.

Saying a Whole Lot of Nothing

I have long felt that in our drive to share every aspect of our lives with each other, there must exist a tipping point into the absurd.  A place where we’re so preoccupied with logging and transmitting, we forget to do any living. Web communities like MySpace and Facebook represent the high water mark for non-traditional sociology and virtual communities. Hundreds of thousands of people with little or no shared history or background invest hours of each day to collaborate, admire, criticize and ogle each others ideas, interests, and spring break photos.

There is certainly some value to be had in this “community casserole” approach, but as someone who still likes to make calls on a phone, take pictures with a camera, and listen to music on a stereo, I love the purity of purpose that Twitter offers. Wading into FaceSpace, I often find myself wishing I could take someone’s 90 favorite bands, 32 videos, 16 photo albums, 9 notes, and 25 random things and distill them down into 140 meaningful little characters.

The Beauty of Less

My hope — and the reason for yet another post about Twitter — is that we might be starting to realize that when it comes to social media, old Mies was right: Less really is more. I would estimate that on average, Twitter saves me about an hour on the phone and two hours writing and reading emails per week. Not to mention sifting through RSS feeds or blog posts looking for new inspiration. That stuff adds up. If we can learn to get our global news and community fix, and end up with more time for dinner with our families or coffee with an old friend, wouldn’t life be that much richer? Whether you use twitter for sharing information (“just passing it along”), journaling (“here’s what I did today”), or self-promotion (“look what I made”) — or like me, a mix of all three, there is much to see and say 140 characters at a time.

Truly, Twitter’s blessing is its brevity.

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One Way Ticket

craig_kyleOne of Einbahn’s own, Craig Williams, needs some help.
Just this week, he learned that his mom’s battle against breast cancer has come down to what’s likely to be the final months. It’s spread to her brain and the doctors are encouraging the family to gather to celebrate one last Thanksgiving together.

Trouble is, he’s in Los Angeles and his mom, Kyle, is here in Virginia. Craig and his wife are scrambling to sell what they can, pack what they can’t, and get back to the east coast as quickly as possible. I know times are tight and getting tighter, but I would ask you to consider helping them get back home. Overused, I know, but look at it this way: $2.50 buys you a cup of coffee. Alternatively, it could buy a gallon of gas for Craig.

Here’s the blog he’s set up for donations and more information. There’s also a group on Facebook if you want to show your support. Either way, please send up a prayer for Craig and his family.

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Better Than Good

GOOD WebsiteRecently launched, GOOD magazine’s reworked (and relocated) interactive component raises the bar on everything a website should be. Three reasons GOOD.is is one of the best sites on the web today:

    Elegant, intuitive and innovative: GOOD.is surprises the user with its familiar interface and infinitely flexible layout. Bold graphics and photography contrast with the subdued tones of the site itself. If you’ve ever picked up the magazine, you’ll immediately notice that they did a fantastic job of translating that same look and feel onto the web. WordPress has rarely looked this good.
    All this snazzy design is really just a beautiful (albeit extremely usable) container for the loads of awesome media and content that gets pumped onto the site. One of things I like most is that the user experience is rewarding whether or not you’re a magazine subscriber, and it does more than just pressure you to become a subscriber. Even the advertising is tasteful, relevant and unobtrusive.
    Go to GOOD.is. Click “Choose GOOD”. Then select the amount of money you’d like to pay for a subscription to their excellent magazine (from $1 to $1,000). Now, GOOD will give 100% of that money to the participating sponsor of your choice. The simplicity of the idea is simultaneously baffling and inspiring. This is what web can should do. Earn the eyes… then do some good!
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The Latest Addition

This is Lola.
She’s the newest member of the Bryant clan and we adopted her through Ring Dog Rescue here in Richmond. If you’re considering getting a pup—I’d definitely recommend checking these guys out.


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Since Jack Left

Hard to believe it’s been a year since you called
your last family reunion. The one at the hospital.

Pretending to be a tough guy.
Eating pizza and shooting pool and trying hard
not to remember that you were dying. Then you did.

The long, blurry line of black cars and black suits and old uncles.
We carried you down from the Baptist church and wore dark sunglasses
And tried to be like you. Tried to be men.

When we got home, no one would sit in your chair. It was too soon.
Football in the swampy yard with saw-horse end zones and broken hearts.

I know you’re up there fishing that no-limit river
Where the mountains rub against the sky.
And I know you’ve got Red and Gary to help with the boat,
But sometimes I wish I could sit with you awhile, again
Just to watch the lines.

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Into the West

journey_arrow.gifThis past Monday, I started a new position with Journey Group, Inc. in Charlottesville, Virginia.
I’m looking forward to gaining a deeper understanding of print design & the process behind high-quality production. Journey has some really terrific clients including the United States Postal Service and World Vision magazine.

For the time being, I’ll be commuting over an hour each way, so we’ll be looking to move in the not-too-distant future. Good thing gas is so cheap and houses are selling like hot cakes…

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Cult of Objectivity

massimo.jpgThis afternoon I had the great pleasure of listening to a living legend: the incorrigible Massimo Vignelli.
He spoke at the Grace Street Theater in Richmond on his life and practice, most prominently the iconic work of Vignelli Associates.

I came away refreshed and newly inspired. He discussed his usual fare: long-term clients, limited typefaces, working on the grid, expansive range and the pursuit of timelessness. Something he knows a thing or two about.

“I see graphic design as the organization of information that is semantically correct, syntactically consistent and pragmatically understandable. I like it to be visually powerful, intellectually elegant, and above all timeless.”

Massimo Vignelli (1931…)

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Just Your Type

pentagramcal.jpgLooking for the perfect gift for that hard to please typophile on your list?

Well, look no further. You’ll be sure to squeeze their serif with this 2008 wall calendar from my dear friends at Pentagram. They’ve produced a desk/wall version (12 x 18) and a fantastic super-sized version (23 x 33) featuring a different typeface for each month of the year. They have them for sale over at KenKnight.com. And to those of you who think this post belongs in Obsolescent, I have only one thing to say: iCal can’t touch this… ever.

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Touch & Go


The only way to claim the fertile ground is to break away from the pack and move beyond the frontier. Find things that you think are magical and rip them to shreds. That way you can see their guts.

Before the holiday, I had the pleasure of guest lecturing for a History of Design class up at JMU. I primarily focused on full-scope branding and the amazing opportunities that await young designers who are willing to push the envelope. More and more, I’m seeing the web and interactive media as our design Xanadu. Inspired by the recent writings of Armit, Khoi and Jeremy, I really wanted to get the students to project the epic scale of the design giants they’ve been studying (folks like Eames & Rand) into their own work and embrace the possibility that they could be the one to create the metaphorical IBM logo or Lounge Chair in this new media.

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Make Way For The Champ

superest.jpgWho is the Superest of them all?

This simple question serves as the premise behind a delightful game being waged between Kevin Cornell (of Bearskinrug and ALA fame) and Matthew Sutter (hailing from sunny InkFinger). Basically, one player draws a hero with a super(esque) power, then the opposing player draws a hero with a power that trumps the first. This goes on and on, deep into the realms of absurdity and glory. It’s not unlike Extreme Rock, Paper, Scissors… but with really terrific drawings. Have a look!

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Christmas Came Early

domusset.jpgThe Bryant Family Library had a major addition over the weekend.
We made our traditional fall pilgrimage to the Green Valley Book Fair and spent more than a few hours drooling over the printed page in all its glory. By far, the catch-of-the-day was this beautiful 12-volume collection of domus magazine – the premier Italian magazine for architecture and design for over 75 years. It contains selected articles from 1928 – 1999. My wife’s parents were nice enough to get it for us as an early Christmas present, and it promptly became one of our most prized possessions.

There’s just something so thrilling about seeing your design heroes described as “up and coming”.

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Brave New Sound

In RainbowsThe brand-new Radiohead album In Rainbows was released for download today.
After wading through a very slow page load and online transaction (due to the heavy traffic, no doubt) I was able to download the entire album (that part was quick) as mp3 files. It’s mine. I own it. No DRM to rain on my parade.

Of course, the really newsworthy part of all of this is that I got to set my own price. Zero dollars. Ten dollars. One hundred dollars. Well pounds and pence technically. But, the point is that I got to decide the value of this music for myself. That and the fact that the band actually gets to keep the money I paid for their album since they’re not paying a label for distribution and promotion. Total paradigm shift. Very exciting stuff. Oh, and the album is excellent as well. Name your price and pull down your very own copy here.

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